History of the Deparment
Department of gastrointestinal surgeryheaded by Assoc. Prof. T. Todorov, together with burns and plastics sector, was founded in 1973 and headed alternately by Assoc. Prof. Gr. Grigorov, Assoc. Prof. Todor Todorov and Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Georgiev, who later became professors. There work as assistants: Dr. L. Pashev Dr. K. Troshev, Dr. T. Temelkov Dr. M. Bozhkov and Dr. D. Dobrev. The first two have created a modern facilities for burns and plastic surgery on the territory of Military Hospital – Varna.The Department of Coloproctology was as a sector in 1983. Later it became a separate clinic and it has been unique in the whole country. Its head is Assoc. Prof. T. Temelkov, working with his colleagues Dr. M. Bozhkov and Dr. R. Hubenov. The Department of Pediatric Surgery is also created as a sector at the department, and in 1970 grew at the Clinic of Pediatric Surgery headed by Assoc. Prof. M. Genova and assistants: Dr. A. Sheytanov, Dr. D. Mileva Dr. S. Petrishki Dr. D. Atanasova and Dr S. Simeonova. The Department of Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care is created and headed by Dr. Vlasaki Vlasakov in 1966. It was the first Department of Intensive Care out of capital.
Since 1988, for 12 years the Department of Propaedeutics of surgical diseases is headed by prof. Dr Temelko Temelkov. In 1994 it was renamed the Department of General and Operative Surgery. There are 4 separate clinics:
- Department of General Surgery with gastrointestinal surgery, headed by Assoc. Prof. Boris Kornovski,
- Department of General Surgery with Coloproctology, headed by Prof. Dr. T. Temelkov
- Department of Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care, headed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violet Stancheva
- Clinic for Pediatric Surgery, headed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander Sheytanov.
In relation to initiation of the idea of creating a transplant center in the Department of General Surgery is equipped modern office with wireless internet connection. Since 2000 Head of the Department was Assoc. Prof. T. Stancheva and since 2005 was chosen for head Assoc. Prof. Kr. Ivanov.
Since 2001 the department is relocating to University Hospital “St. Marina “where at the beginning were equiped clinics- RICU, operating theaters, hospital sections in general and operative surgery, and later sector of vascular surgery, pediatric surgery and sector endoscopic and minimal invasive surgery.
In 2006, the Department be created a ward of one day surgery including to it cabinets for Endoscopic and minimal invasive surgery. The department has modern level teaching and training for students intern doctors and bachelors of Health Management, nurses. Over the years the clinics that make up the department are the basis for training, residents and improvement of young doctors as professors participate in the state examination boards to acquire specialty in surgery.
After the election of Prof. K. Ivanov, Executive Director of the hospital and head of department at the First Clinic of surgery is performed accelerated introduction of advanced Internet and Internet systems for communications, information and updating of scientific and educational process. The provision of modern equipment, especially in operating theaters. allows for enlarging and integrating, improve the quality of operational work and hence the opportunities for expansion of scientific developments. Employees of the department receive their popularity through participation in national and international events.
They participate in international surgical organizations:
- International Society of University Colorectal Surgeons;
- International Association of surgeons and gastroenterologists;
- European College of Surgeons and others.
Department of General and Operative Surgery had been founded on the basis of the Hospital “St. Marina ” in 2000. Head of the department was Prof.. Dr. T. Temelkov, who was also rector of Medical University – Varna from 1999 till 2003. In its structure it included Sector of surgery of the esophagus and stomach, Sector of General Surgery and Coloproctology (Headed by Professor Kr. Ivanov), Section of endoscopic, laser and mini-invasive surgery (Headed by Dr. Valentin Ignatov) and surgical ward.
The volume of the performed surgery covers all emergency and elective pathology of the gastrointestinal tract – the esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreatic and biliary Surgery and Coloproctology. Department is specialized in the surgical treatment of carcinoma of the esophagus, corrosive burns to the esophagus, diaphragmatic hernia and gastroesophageal reflux disease, benign diseases of the esophagus, stomach cancer, peptic ulcer, reflux disease, stomach, reconstructive operations on stomach, resection surgery for metastatic liver surgery in cancer of the rectum and colon and non-specific colitis, reconstructive operations on the pelvic organs and the anal sphincter, minimally invasive surgery for benign colorectal formations and emergency esophagus, stomach and minimal invasive laparoscopic surgery. Performed and planned laparoscopic cholecystectomy, introduced for the first time in Varna by Prof. Temelkov (1994). It has introduced 56 new operational method, of which 17 for the first time in the country. The clinic has an ultrasound scanner routine, intraoperative and intraluminar ultrasonography and pH-metеr for 24-hour pH mesure of stomach, treatment of diffuse polyposis, functional diseases of the colon and rectum, anal incontinence, creating pelvic intestinal reservoir and all anorectal diseases. The clinic has developed its own operating methods acknowledged two inventions and five rationalizations.
Implemented following diagnostic and treatment methods that are research areas: transhiatal resection for esophageal cancer, esophagectomy transhiatal and reconstructive surgery of the esophagus (oesophagogastroplastica and oesophagocoloplastica); apparatus for diverticulectomia of the esophagus; reconstruction hiatus and the fundoplication in reflux disease and the diaphragmatic hernia; intraluminar intraoperative ultrasonography of the esophagus; 24-hour pH mesure of the esophagus and stomach; esophageal manometry; duodenoplastica and the proximal selective vagotomy in postduodenal ulcerative stenosis; derivation of the duodenum to the pyloric saving in the treatment of peptic ulcer and the reflux duodenogastrical; gastrik-banding for the palliative treatment of stenotic stomach tumor catheter jejunustomia for early postoperative enteral nutrition; balloon dilatation of the esophagus in achalasia, stricture of the esophagus and anastomositis; laser vaporisation of liver metastases; intestinal pelvic ileal reservoirs; smooth muscle sphincter in coloanal anastomoses; intraluminar ultrasonography of the rectum; onemoment pelvic reconstruction with neorectum and the neosphincter with double gracilis plastic; ultrasound guided transhepatic biliary drainage with biliodigestive anastomosis; pelvic exanteration becouse of carcinoma; plastic and the reconstructive surgery of the anal sphincter, intraoperative choledochoscopy; intraoperative ultrasonography for tumors of the liver, pancreas and abdominal metastases; a functional barographic and the electrophysiological diagnosis of the colon, rectum, anus and anal sphincter; diagnosis of congenital malformations of the anus and rectum. A new method for radical treatment of pelviuritranal fistulas. Surgical treatment of chronic suppurative hidrosadenitis. Skin-plastic surgery in sacrogluteal area.
The sector of Endoscopic, laser and minimal invasive surgery was founded in 1990. The sector is equipped with endoscopic equipment, including rectosigmofibrocolonoskops, gastroscops bronchoscopes, choledochoscops, cystoscope, duodenoscope and the ND-YAG-laser. Are performed diagnostic tests of the gastrointestinal tract and therapeutic mini-invasive surgery. Since 1995 takes place minimal invasive laparoscopic surgery and diagnostic intraoperative holedohoscopy with extraction of stones, postoperative papilosphincterotomies with extraction of stonesand extraction of stones through fistula after Kher drainage. They are made laser desobstruction of obstructive tumors of the trachea. During the last years, embedded and laparoscopic hiatal hernia operations and operations for abdominal wall hernias.
In 2003, based on the Hospital “St. Marina ” is founded a sector” Vascular Surgery “, which in 2006 was transformed into the Department of Vascular Surgery. The department performed: reconstructive surgery for aneurysms of the abdominal aorta and peripheral arteries, chronic arterial insufficiency – bypass operations in aorto-iliac, femoropopliteal and tibial segments. Diseases of the arteries carotids – TEA with patch sculpture of the same. Treatment of varicose disease, performing radical variocophlebectomias. Performance of arteriovenous fistulae for hemodialysis incisions, debridement and amputations in gangrene of the extremities, embolus and thrombectomy in peripheral arteries. Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and active treatment is founded when in 1968 the Department of Propaedeutics _ surgical disease was found Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Careheaded by Dr. Vlasaki Vlasakov – assistant professor at the department based hospital ” St. Anna”.
The healing activity is performed in two sectors – anesthesia and resuscitation. Anesthesiological sector includes work in 18 operating theaters (abdominal, thoracic, vascular, children, neurosurgery, urology, orthopedics, AT maternity and ENT). In resuscitation sector, consisting of 14 beds, providing treatment for all patients with combined injuries, shock, severe cranial trauma, severe thoracic trauma patients with severe postoperative complications, And till founding of appropriate intensive sectors to VUB – and those with poisoning, strokes and heart attacks requiring artificial pulmonary ventilation. Since 2005, the clinic was appointed at work Assoc. Prof. V. Platikanov.