Dear colleagues,
I am pleased to invite you to be part of the virtual web-based platform – GI Surgery Academy. Through this platform you will be able to present innovative scientific results, practical experience, original techniques and proposals for treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.
Special attention will be paid to innovation in surgery. On our part, we will make sure that your results reach the wider surgical community, and we will provide an opportunity for feedback, comments and opinions, and on the topics that have attracted the greatest interest, we will organise meetings in real time.
We will be pleased and honoured to receive and review your scientific works on e-mail:
Prof. Krasimir Ivanov, MD, PhD, DSc
President of the Academy

Video instructions
Please send us your video lecture in format .mp4. For best performance and quality of the product, please find instructions on how to record your presentation for this specific event in the attached file (download).
For your Zoom video recording please take into account:
- Video presentation or power point presentation – please use your camera also while you are presenting so we have your video feed as well.
- After the presentation – please share some feedback or comments that you usually have when discussing these robotic procedures. It will be useful if you share from your experience any recommendations, related information, interesting data or additional info about the procedure that will be interesting for your audience as well.
- Video length – Min time is 30 mins – you can make it as long as you wish though.
- After you download the Zoom video, please send it to us – you could use We transfer, google drive etc.
- Please include in the video your picture and a quick summary for your “Speaker” card. You could also send us your social media account if you want it to be attached for further contacts by any viewers.
- Please send the link to download the video in the registration form below
