Division of abdominal surgery
The clinic specializes in the surgical treatment of carcinoma of the esophagus, corrosive burns to the esophagus, diaphragmatic hernia and gastroesophageal reflux disease, benign diseases of the esophagus, stomach cancer, peptic ulcer, reflux disease, stomach, reconstructive operations stomach resection surgery for metastatic liver liver surgery in cancer of the colon and rectum and non-specific colitis, reconstructive operations on the pelvic organs and the anal sphincter, minimally invasive surgery for benign colorectal formations and emergency esophagus, stomach and minimal invasive laparoscopic surgery.
Carried out and planned laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Equipped with the necessary equipment for transplantation and liver resection : Transhiatal Esophagectomy for esophageal cancer, Transhiatal esophagectomy and reconstructive surgery of the esophagus (Esophagogastro plastics and Esophago Coloplasty); Endoscopic snare with diverticulitis of the esophagus; reconstruction hiatus and fundoplication at reflux disease and diaphragmatic hernia; intraoperative ultrasonography of the esophagus; 24 hours spectrometry Ph esophagus and stomach; esophageal manometry; plastics of the duodenum and; selective vagotomy in duodenal stenosis, derivation of the duodenum to the pyloric storage in the treatment of peptic ulcer and duodenogastric reflux; gastric banding for the palliative treatment of stenotic a stomach tumor, catheter jejunostomu for early postoperative enteral nutrition; balloon dilatation and dilation the esophagus in achalasia, stricture of the esophagus and inflammation of the anastomosis; laser vaporization of liver metastases; endoluminal ultrasonography of the rectum; pelvic reconstruction with nefertem and neosfinkter double gracilis plastic; ultrasound guided transhepatic biliary drainage with biliodigestive anastomosis; pelvic evisceration carcinoma; plastic and reconstructive surgery of the anal sphincter; intraoperative choledochoscopy; intraoperative ultrasonography for tumors of the liver, pancreas and abdominal metastases; functional and electrophysiological diagnosis of the colon, rectum, anus and anal sphincter; diagnosis of congenital malformations of the anus and rectum. A new method for radical treatment of rectal fistulas was created. Surgical treatment of chronic suppurative hidradenitis. Skin-plastic surgery in the sacrogluteal region. Were introduced mini-invasive laparoscopic operations for malignant and benign diseases of the digestive tract.